Terms and Conditions

  • Ridemajestic is a service that falls under business enterprises that provide the contracted transport of persons and is subject to all of the legal conditions regulating the performance of these activities:

    • Ordering the service is only possible after entering into a basic transportation contract, and through a clause in that contract.

    • Payment for the service shal be made by invoice once per calendar month.

  • Ridemajestic is a service oriented towards long-term and individual contractual partners, and so the terms and conditions of each contract are set based on individual offers and negotiations with teh client. If you are interested in a broader co-operation, don’t hesitate to contact our business division (majestic@ridemajestic.com), where you will receive all the information you need on the possibilities of individual contractual conditions.

  • Ridemajestic provides the transport of persons based on the temporary hiring of a luxury vehicle and driver. The calculated final price is based on the total number of started hours or on individually agreed contractual conditions.

  • The highest tariff for the use of the Ridemajestic service is CZK 2500 including VAT for each started hour.

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Мы с радостью ответим на все Ваши вопросы и сделаем все, чтобы соответствовать Вашим представлениям о перевозках на высочайшем уровне. 

«eздитьmаджестик Консьерж»

(Ваш «eздитьmаджестик Консьерж» к Вашим услугам в рабочие дни с 9:00 до 18:00)

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